Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Using Our Powerful Internal Communication Network

Using Our Powerful Internal Communication Network
Linda Pendleton

“The soul of man is immortal and imperishable.”
~Plato (c. 428–348 B.C.)

Our body knows things that our minds often do not.  One of the simplest techniques for private problem solving is to simply and firmly state the nature of a problem and request a solution while in a meditative state.  To engage in an inner dialogue will often reveal the answers we seek. 
Body, mind, and spirit all work in tandem–each aware of the others, and each with an intelligence of its own, but interconnected like the fibers of a powerful communication network.  Every human being expresses a trinity of wisdom.  For far too long, many have tended to see different aspects of themselves as separate entities without representation among the other aspects.  This idea has been breed into us as the combined forces of science, medicine, and religion have encouraged us to see the separate pieces instead of a corporate whole. 
It had become convenient to think of this trinity as three separate entities but recent studies are describing a unity where body, mind and spirit (or soul) are all present in the organizational field of the physical body itself. 
It is unfortunate that it is still uncomfortable for some to include spirit or soul as an essential element of the human organism because soul itself undoubtedly has much to say about how the trinity of the body manifests itself in full awareness. 
In fact, it could be suggested that soul is the preeminent cause of all effects and is therefore that which produces the trinity, itself indissolubly woven into and superior to body and mind.
Psychiatrist Brian Weiss, for many years now has engaged in past life regressions for the benefit of his patients.  He discovered in working with his patients under hypnosis that some of them have recalled past lives.  Often the events of a past life have carried forward into this lifetime, resulting in physical or psychological disorders.  Dr. Weiss has documented several of these cases in his books, beginning with his first, Many Lives, Many Masters. Dr. Weiss continues to lecture, hold workshops and write books. 
If it is true that recall of past life experiences can have a profound effect upon the psychology and even the physiology of a living being, then we must consider the importance of the soul, which is ever present and ever participating in those life experiences.  The soul brings with it memories that may far predate the incarnation into this life dimension.  It now appears that not only memories, but the physical constituents of matter itself are somehow retained as a living presence within the soul even before the birth of the body which is to clothe it.  The body-mind-soul connection should therefore be seen as both a physiological and psychological presence which accounts for the day by day expression of reality encountered in the human sphere.
British Biochemist Rupert Sheldrake, in discussing his morphogenetic fields, regards those fields as living universal influences that exist independent of physical matter, but nevertheless continually effect all processes of nature with their world-transcendent properties.  He sees the laws of nature as not actual laws per se, but rather the habits of nature. 
There is a strong resonance with similar ideas expressed decades earlier by Gustof Strömberg in his book, Soul of the Universe.  Strömberg, an American of Swedish birth, was an astronomer and astrophysicist associated with the Carnegie Institution's Mount Wilson Observatory.  His stunning thesis is a prime example of genius unacknowledged in the context of its time.  Perhaps it took an Albert Einstein to recognize it.  Einstein's cover blurb for the jacket of Strömberg’s book reads, “Very few men could of their own knowledge present the material as clearly and concisely as he has succeeded in doing.”  In his native Sweden, Strömberg was highly respected and the flags throughout Sweden were flown at half-mast in observance of his death in 1962.  Here is a brief sample of Strömberg's vision:
“Matter and life and consciousness have their roots in a world beyond space and time.  They emerge into the physical world at certain well defined points or sources from which they expand in the form of guiding fields with space and time properties.  Some of the sources can be identified with material particles, and others with the living elements responsible for organization and purposeful activity.  Some of them exist in our brain as neurones, and some of them have a very intimate and special association with their ultimate origin.  They are the roots of our consciousness and the sources of all our knowledge.”
Earlier in his writings, Strömberg had observed, “All our mental characteristics and faculties have their origin in the non-physical world.  There lies the origin of our sensations of light and colors, and of sound and music.  There is the origin of our feelings and emotions, and of our will and our thoughts.  There is the source of our feelings of satisfaction and bliss, and of guilt and remorse.  Our nerve cells seem to be the links which connect our physical brain with the world in which our consciousness is rooted.  At death our brain field, which during our life determined the structure and functions of our brain and nervous system, is not destroyed.  Like other living fields it contracts and disappears at death, apparently falling back to the level of its origin.  All our memories are indelibly engraved in this field, and after our death, when our mind is no longer blocked by inert matter, we can probably recall them all, even those of which we were never consciously aware during our organic life.”
It is interesting to see how both the scientific and philosophical points of view today seem to be moving toward complimentary conclusions about the universe and man's place in it with much more coherence than ever noted before.  Many brilliant thinkers, poets, philosophers, medical doctors, physicists, and scholars are all bringing forward a sharper focus on the nature of reality.  Side by side with science, we have had this quieter explosion of spiritual investigation and discovery.  
It seems certain that popular physics will soon discover and celebrate the universal essence of all life everywhere and introduce a more realistic view of the human reality.  
To know thyself, in all the self's intrinsic majesty, is to know the whole.  The fragmentary self is the weak self.  Let us all make an effort to not fragmentize ourselves, for the fragments may never contain the full expression of who we are.

Sheldrake, Rupert, http://www.sheldrake.org/
Strömberg, Gustaf.  The Soul of the Universe. Philadelphia:  David McKay Company, 1940, 1948.
 Weiss, Brian L.  Many Lives, Many Masters.  New York:  Simon & Schuster, 1988.

© Copyright 2015 by Linda Pendleton

You may be interested in reading more within my Kindle book,  Meditation: Connecting the Mind, Body and Spirit. 

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Based on severalpersonal life experiences I have always felt there was ONE (unity)
"It had become convenient to think of this trinity as three separate entities but recent studies are describing a unity where body, mind, and spirit (or soul) are all present in the organizational field of the physical body itself."