Friday, November 13, 2015

A Look at President Jimmy Carter via Spirit Guide Dr. Peebles, from the Book "To Dance With Angels" by Don and Linda Pendleton

Excerpt from To Dance With Angels by Don and Linda Pendleton.  Published originally in 1990, a conversation with spirit guide, Dr. Peebles in regards to President Jimmy Carter.  We recently are hearing much about President Carter, his newly published autobiography, and his fight with cancer at this late point in his life, and yet he's out there building homes for Habitat for Humanity, so I thought this was worth sharing now for those who have not read To Dance With Angels.  He was President from 1977-1981. In 2002, President Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work "to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development."  He has done much for peace and humanity since leaving the White House.

"QUESTION: My question is about Jimmy Carter. When he was in office as president, it was my perception that he was ahead of his time, that he was too honest, almost embarrassingly honest to most of us, and that he wished more for a sense of cooperation and sharing in the world. We voted him in and yet we booted him right out again. And I'm wondering what is the significance of that moment in history."

"DR. PEEBLES: God bless you. There is great truth in what you say. It's also true that he was a little behind the times in some ways. He was ahead of his time in that he did seek increased communication, he did seek to receive other points of view rather than to deny them or control them. He did seek unity.
Now, his moments of confusion at times were that he unconsciously defined union as agreement rather than allowance of disagreement. As well, he had understandable concern about violence. His definition of peace, unconsciously—referencing our earlier statement—leaned toward less noise rather than an amplification or a coloration of new communications.
So on the one hand he was seeking increased communication, and yet on the other there was a certain avoidance of conflict that was justified as a desire for peace.
Very understandable. But yet it's not complete. Not just Jimmy Carter, but the nation of people. It is a collective view regarding peace that we speak of. And he did incorporate that.
Yes, overall I would say he was more ahead of his time than of his time or behind. He had his own lessons, but he was a vision of the future in many ways. I agree. The lesson of history, at that time, was to reevaluate the nature of peace. He stimulated people through suggestion, indirectly, to continue thinking about what does peace mean—what do we really want?—what is our true motivation? For his ongoing rhetoric and honesty was to have peace—but what does that mean, for goodness gracious sake? There's only five letters in the word—what does it mean?
And so the lesson of history will look back and see that here was a peacemaker who inadvertently was inspiring people to reevaluate the nature of peace, and how that quantifies with increased and decreased communication, honesty and dishonesty. Yes, he was a leader. As history looks back, it will see this gentleman as someone who was underestimated."

Copyright 1990 by Don and Lind Pendleton

To Dance With Angels is in print at and Kindle.  It will be available in audio book in the coming weeks. 

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