Wednesday, August 30, 2017

RIP: Louise L. Hay

Author, publisher, healer, metaphysical counselor, Louise L. Hay, passed away this morning at the age of 90.  I've had this 1984 book of Louise Hay's since 1987, at that time 19th printing with over 400,000 copies sold.  It's a classic best-seller and now 50 million copies have been sold.  In 1985, she began her support group for AIDs patients.  In 1987, she founded her publishing company, Hay House, which has grown into a very successful publishing company which has sold millions of books and products, featuring many well-known authors of works on healing, self-help, and inspiration.  Hay House has offices in California, New York, London, Sydney, Johannesburg, and New Delhi.

Don and I meet her once, and twice heard her speak.  She was inspirational and her affirmations have been helpful to many in grief, illness, and life's ups and downs.  She leaves with us quite a legacy.  



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